New year, new rules!

A new year does not come with a reset button. Although it will be nice if it did; then you could leave behind every bad experience then viola, all will be good as new. I however do like the `faith that comes with the newness, the closure; that one year is over, no matte how good or bad it was. Hope that no matter how bad the previous year had been, the new-year will be better. Every year, I tell myself I won’t be making new year resolutions and I find myself making a list right afterwards. This year, I’m all for making practical resolutions. So here goes

I will not;

  1. Buy 5 inch heels that I won’t wear anywhere just so I have nice shoes on my rack.
    *same goes for sexy lingerie that ends up at the bottom of my underwear drawer and nice corporate suits that are supposed to make me look smarter.
  2. Date/go out emotionally unavailable guys, men with trust issues, men with commitment issues, men who say “aww I should have met you before I met my wife”, men who will make plans with you and cancel last minute to watch reruns of a match they have already seen before, men who only text after 10pm because they have been busy the whole day.
  3. Binge eat chocolates or go on retail therapy and buy things I will never ever use.
  4. Wait by the phone.

I will;

  1. blog at least once weekly
  2. commit to something long enough to see it through
  3. be a nicer person
  4. stop writing lists that i never follow
  5. stop checking my weight every week

I just realized that I still suck at conclusions. So this is to the new year, to 2016, to new experiences. Please be good to us. Happy new year!



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